Saturday, May 21, 2005

A Tory's guide listing companies to boycott.

This was inevitable, the seemingly complete control of Canada by the liberals (LPC), and the left-wing, which has caused many conservatives great concern in this country.

Since I live in Toronto Canada, my list of companies that I am currently boycotting (and I ask you to do the same in good conscience...), may not reflect your reality where you live. By boycotting I mean not using the services of these suppliers, nor giving them business nor money. In the case of using the service for research purposes or to track their activities it would be acceptable provided one is aware of the ensuing bias that they would encounter and the hidden agenda therein. The idea being to move conservative, consumer support to those organizations, outlets, and companies that look favourably upon conservate ideals and values. Hopefully there will also be a list produced in time that offers valid suggestions for those of us that may need guidance in making choices (due to lack of choice in their marketplace or unfamiliarity with various organizations). We can debate these suggestions at any time of course and I welcome constructive comments. Everyone, please be patient as this list will take some time to complete.

If you want, feel free to post and make suggestions and I will add them to the list for future updates. We can in time distribute the list for all conservatives in Canada to observe or combine it our use it to update whatever else is out there. I'm sure other people have done the same thing, but if so I can't say that I've ever seen such a list in this country. Also, note that many lists out there are American and they would not reflect the Canadian environment.

Here I go; In Toronto and the GTA and relevant areas of Canada, I propose that all conservatives boycott these following brands, outlets, and business' that are deemed by us as not being friendly to 'conservative party of Canada supporters' and those people with conservative beliefs and values in general:


CBC - across Canada - controlled by LPC and unionists/socialists.
CTV - across Canada - owned by Bell Globemedia.
CityTV - and all associated stations (to be listed), consistently left-wing.
GlobalTV - generally LPC supporters, but more balanced that others.
TVOntario - consistently left-wing.

Cable Television:

CNN, CBC Newsworld, CTVnewsnet, CP24, NBC, ABC, CBC
Life network, BET, Showcase, TFO, W (womens), MuchMusic, Bravo


Chum - stations owned by Chum, parent company of CityTV.


Toronto Star - Definite LPC agents period!
Globe & Mail - owned by Bell Globemedia, strong pro-LPC bias.
Metro - free daily published by Torstar (Toronto Star), highly left-wing.


Now magazine - left wing trash period.
MacLean's - although owned by Rogers, is mostly left-wing.


Power Corporation of Canada - heavy ties to LPC, allegations of influence peddling and suggestions of corruption?
associated companies are: Great West Life Co., London Life Co., Power Financial Corp., Investors Group, Canada Life Assurance Co., Investors Group, and Mackenzie Financial Corp.

Bell Canada - and all associated companies due to anti-conservative bias as displayed by Bell owned CTV network and the Globe & Mail (both listed above).

Generally any company headquartered in Montreal Quebec; such as Air Canada, Bank of Montreal etc.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Timely thoughts

The: I'm too lazy to compose any coherent sembelance of an article but I'm gonna rant about assorted issues..

Today in the MSM:

- Salutin, I just read your article in today's globe: you suck!!

- Ibbitson, also in today's globe: that's more like it!

- Hebert, in today's star: you got most of it, but are you gonna applaud conservatism?

- Gwyn, in today's star: we agree Richard, but it's your job to help people wake up!

- star editorial: last time I checked, you guys started the name calling. Grow-up!!

- Toronto Sun editorial: good synapsis of the whole deal.


Chucky Cadman - why was the NDP caucus giving you a standing ovation before the budget vote? are you a closet NDP? if so do you constituents know this?

Belinda - I got a new insult for ya: deadbeat!!

Stephen Harper - next time we try to bring down the government, let's keep em' guessing.

Liberal Thievery

Robin Hood was a thief but he got it right: he stole from the rich to give to the poor, he didn't steal from the poor to keep for himself.

As Gomery winds its way down the sordid paths of debauchery's winding lanes, sometimes dark, sometimes enticing, but never real..

We are always brought back to reality by one mean fact: money who has it and who doesn't.

Take the issue of Barbelinda's recent bolting to the side of Darthpaul, she left owing a rumoured sum over $300,000. I had heard numerous times the conflict between the conservatives and Barbelinda re: her leadership bid's final bill. While I don't know all the details, I'm aware that the rules were fairly applied to her despite her protestations to the contrary. It's possible here that her plan was to win and then like all liberals before her, change the rules from the inside so that she didn't have to pay the debts that she so obviously owed. But, that didn't happen, she didn't win, and thus she was subject to the rules like the most of the rest of us mere mortals. She did a good job of dragging it out and I assume that her leaving while giving everybody the finger' in the process, means in her small mind anyways that she doesn't have to pay now. Well, all I have to say is that $300K takes a lot of time to raise especially for a political party that isn't bankrolled by corporations and the elite like the liberals are. Furthermore, it means a lot of individual contributions of $50.00 to make up for the shortfall. Let's be 'Frank' here: we should sue this woman!

Then there is the poor belated taxpayer, being bled to death by successive liberal and left-wing governments in this country and finally resulting in Darthpaul's goulish regime. The Gomery inquiry which we have to patiently wait for now, has made numerous accusations while not being evidence in the legal sense of the word, have been substantiated before an actual judge. The liberals have admitted that funds have been misappropriated but the leadership refusing to take responsibility is now trying annother scam to confuse the typical taxpayer/voter. These liberals have proposed a so-called trust fund with balance of $750,000 (hmmm did Belinda pay $300K of that already for them..), as a method to reimburse the taxpayers for any misappropriated funds suggested by the Gomery revelations. Well, most people that have been awake the past two months and that have been paying attention know that, this sum is but a pittance of the likely amount of graft that these people have engaged in. There are suggestions that a good part of the $250 million in the original sponsorship fund which dispensed the graft was in fact laundered and directed to liberal coffers. Furthermore, there have been parallel allegations of other moneys coming from other funds from other departments in a related effort to top-up liberal election and spending requirements. If liberals under Darthpaul believe that $750K as a reimbursement is any fraction of potential hundreds of millions of illegally gotten funds that should excite anybody other than an insane person he is the thief that many people believe he is.

My suggestion: that this liberal political party be sued for all funds that it has misappropriated from Canadian taxpayers.

Belinda's belated mailing and other thoughts.

Did Belinda decide to bolt at the last minute?

Was just at Mike Brock's blog and noticed a juicy little post over there from Jeremy, who lives up in Aurora and said he had just received a flyer mailing from Belinda's office on behalf of the conservative's slamming the liberals. I know a bit of the mechanics of flyers if delivered via Canada Post and the lead time on such an operation is mere days at most. So did Belinda make a last minute decision as Peter McKay suggests or did she decide this all along (or at least much sooner anyways..), and just kept it hidden from the prying minds of others? I guess we will never know the truth, but that doesn't mean that we cannot speculate though.

Consider some of the following scenarios eg. Belinda the closet Liberal spying for Darthpaul and then at the crucial moment the mask is ripped off... to reveal the real Barbelinda. Then there is the other side, the duplicious double entendre' the Belinda as double agent. She flees to the Liberals all the while acting as a spy against them in order to save the world for her lost love Peter.. Well she did say that she was leaving only because she feared a Tory toppling of the slimy liberal carcass may... gasp lead to Quebec leaving. The HORRORS! and all this from a woman that doesn't know a word of French either.

Then again, I think that Magna might have trouble hawking autoparts to Ford, GM and Chrysler with a Kanukistan buck worth the same as a Yankee Greenback. Me thinks that Belinda took her Dad's call to cozy up to Darthpaul in order to save Magna's profits. Besides, Darthpaul can fix her up with a nice new job since he is such a good buddy of Frank's.

I love this country, we Canadians like to laugh about interbreeding, red-necks, cowboys, and hicks in general but this former small town boy says that is one of the most whistle-stop moves he has ever seen.

This man is a Cad.

Cadman decides 30 minutes before he votes.

Here we are the day after and I understand some of you went out and got fricking drunk. Good for you, I used to do that for a lot lesser reasons believe you me. These days I get my thrills from caffeine, not much hard stuff for me now. If you did have some drinks to deaden the pain of the realization that you now live in an authoritarian state, be sure to drink some tomato juice today - that stuff always helped my hangovers.

Well the Globe & Mail (Gay & Married), carried a story on the vote and claims that Cadman made his decision to vote with the liberals and Darthpaul only 30 minutes before his crucial curtsey was counted. Gee am I stupid, I thought the CAD-man was going to vote with his constituents... I mean was he polling them up to 30 minutes via blackberry before the vote... Something stinks here and it isn't my cat's litter box either.

Luckily for me, I followed my gut and I was one of the first out of the gate to slag old Caddy. See all my comments at Andrew Coynes blog if you don't believe me. Mind you it was running about 50-50 there for awhile but by the time I got tired of posting, most of the Cadman supporters had to agree that this guy cheesed out seriously.
Well I got to wonder what Cadman will feel like waking up today, he will either feel like a Cad if he has a conscience or he will be trying to collect the goodies from the package' offered to him by the liberals. Which is it, we don't know yet, but you can bet all eyes will be on the liberal's caddy for sometime to come to see if his good fortune increases unnecessarily.

So what do you think, is Cadman the ultimate upholder of the democratic tradition as he wonts to be portrayed as or is he some scheming weasel who you can't corner with an entire curling team and their brooms?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The hidden hand hates the US's Star Wars.

The cold war goes underground in the early 21st century!

If there has been a better time to talk about world affairs in the years since the cold war, then I haven't been aware of it. The many issues, rumours, stories, strife, conflict and most of all accusations of our time are all flying by me like the hypothetical TR-3B (

This hypothetical flying triangle ties into the issue I want to examine today. The issue of Star Wars, 21st century style which is a back burner so far in the news. The link above in the London financial times, indicates that Russia is quite concerned by any plans that the US has to weaponize space. Myself, I welcome the idea and I will explain why later on, but let me say now that whenever the socialists don't want something to happen that it has little to do with the interests of others besides their own designs on world conquest. Make no mistake about it, Russia is still the evil empire on many levels and has no desire to just give up its grand plan to conquer the world.

If you doubt me consider this: why does Russia still have such a large military while it is an economic middle power at best? We also have to consider such other ridiculous situations like Lil Kim' in North Korea and our good buddy in Cuba, by the name of Castro. Both of these commie puppets dress like military commanders while many of their people literally starve to death. Sounds like a socialistic paradise to me, oboy I wanna live there now, how many people emmigrate to countries like those every year anyways? You know what they say: you are what you eat!

So in light of the fact that nobody is in a rush to invade Russia (unless it is China that may consider it..), and Russia acknowledges to the world that its centrally controlled economy was a disaster, then why are they so obsessed with global power plays still? Well one reason is that the old-guard which still seems to run that country in the shadows (seems like Darthpaul in the great white north doesn't it..?), are all afraid that the revolution may be lost. These hard-core idealogues in the shadows in Russia believe that they may lose the priviledge of driving around inferior Russian made cars while the locals still take crowded buses to line up at shops where nobody can afford to buy anything... except for the mobsters that is. Horrors.. oh the horrors!

Yeah, we need more communism and socialism in the world, especially in the first world. But tell that to the socialists that all know that Marx never meant communism for the third-world in the first place and he stated bluntly that the revolution was really only capable in the countries that could afford it. That is why we have a middle class in Canada for example that loves socialism - economic intellectual snobbery pounded into the heads of the youth in the left-wing education system. Obviously, something has to be done about the education system in this country... but again that is annother divergent topic.

But the educators never tell you that the ever encroaching socialism is in real danger not from opposing systems or even its own failure, but that it's future success is more affected by the military power of countries that are willing to stand up against it. The idea of military might over economic might is a constant and current idea in human history and any student of history knows this. The proof of the Russian agenda to subvert others is revealed by their view that a strong country militarily will win the economic war in the long-run, not by earning it but by brow-beating any opposition into submission. We also know that it was not just economics that destroyed Russia's economy and thus reduced it's military power, it was often corruption and just plain incompetence that led to the fall of the communist empire. This failure of Russia which causes so much angst in the hearts of socialists world-wide must be the opportunity for the US to really put some distance between itself and its old military foe. The time for action is now, the distance between the west and the east in regards military might, must be increased while we are willing and able to make the sacrifices needed. If we don't work towards a comfortable advantage over our old adversary called communism, then it will catch-up with us in time just as we are not paying attention. We must also consider other rivals that may rise to take the place of Russia, as we are seeing the rise of China, which I call the 'new Russia' and is held in high esteem in the minds of all the commie loving crowd.

So, the fact remains that the scourage of socialism continues and it will as long as there is one country that dares to believe it can put together enough military might to ever topple the US. In that light, I strongly advocate that the US weaponize space as soon as possible in order to generate sufficient advantage on its opponents (such as Russia and China), that they may never be able to close the gap on the US again. This has to happen now, while republicans have control of the White House and Senate before any left-leaning governments can be elected in Washington again, otherwise the left-leaning crowd such as the Clinton's will hobble the US forever.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May 19, 2005: return of Darthpaul..!!

Parallels between the Dark Lords and our current badboy PMPM.

I started this story yesterday and it was to be a bit different but for some reason it got mostly lost in cyber space. But it did provide the impetus for this masterpiece I am about to lay on ya... so enjoy!

What a week! First we have Barbelinda bounding across that narrow open floor to cuddle close to Darthpaul and tonight we had Mr. Grewel, making accusations that he can back up by the way, stating that he and others have most definitely been asked to join the darkside. As usual the media (like the corrupt senate in the Star Wars films..), usurped by the dark side has striven to protect their dark overlords.

While I am an avid Star Wars viewer having been greatly influenced by the original that I actually saw in 1977 (unlike a lot of the current younger crowd..), I have become less enthused by recent slander coming from Mr. Lucas the lord of the realm. He is saying that the dark lord to him is GWB and he and his liberal/lefty friends are the good guys. Well all I got to say is this George: come up here and tell me which side is the bad guys? Frankly, I see Star Wars the way I want to see it, just like those of us that read the bible or the Koran or whatever. Let it reach the inner force I say. Thus, I stick my neck out here and claim that I am on the good side and you and your friends are the dark side.

But let me mention that I am a student of the occult (one must know their enemies by the way..), and I find it strange that Mr. Lucas released his 6th film on May 19, 2005 (numerologically not a positive number, example all odd numbers and 19 = (6 x 3) + 1), and he ended his trilogy on a negative note (strange for a series of films coming out of hollywood about the struggle of good over evil - whereby hollywood has usually seen good winning out..). Strange also, that that cult hero of the modern era as seen to lead our aspirations of good over evil stops his tale at the bleakest point.. but then again Mr. Lucas may know about what is coming up in the near future and his film is only a forewarning.. to us all.

But I am not here to bore you with occultic references and suggestions of conspiracy (at least the kind of conspiracy that we are told by the MSM that is fabricated often like their assertions about conspiracy related to politics..), when I want to talk about our current fearless leader Darthpaul. But the similarities are oh so great..

It has become perfectly apparent now that the true evil genius, the real power, the real puppet master in all the Chretien years was in fact Darthpaul. Shocking I know to come to that realization but consider the sales job that the MSM did on us when Jean arrived on the scene. Compare how we were sold Jean as a saviour for the country, the Quebecer from a little town that could identify with us and prevent Quebec from leaving because he really understood what Quebec was about. Oh yeah, Jean knew all right, he knew who was really running the province and he knew the real route to power, but that was a different reality than that sold by the media then and even now. But Jean is gone and since politics has hit rock bottom in this country due to the desperation of the liberals to cling to power at any cost, we need to focus on Darthpaul or Paul Martin as the polite may still refer to him.

That Darthpaul, was the dark shadow always lusting for the day he could assume supreme command is well known to all Canadians. But I am about to suggest that Jean was the puppet that Darthpaul manipulated. Yes, I'm saying that Jean was picked by Darthpaul to be his frontman and to pave the way for his assuming power. Please remember that Darthpaul like Darthvader was groomed from the beginning to assume power and highly courted by the dark side. When Jean was no longer of value, and he in fact became a detriment to the globalistic/socialistic ambitions of bringing Canada under UN control, then Jean was disposed of. Thus in effect Jean was the senator and Darthpaul was Darth Vader in the wings in our sordid parallel tale of two different 'Star' Wars.

Enter stage left, Darthpaul in the wings, ready to jump in to take the reigns. But our Darthpaul has been no jedi knight, afraid to make decisions, afraid to lead and mostly afraid to offend anyone especially amongst the lefty crowd. Our Darthpaul has proven an infectual leader at best. But there is hope, because Darthpaul has finally proven in the open in the public eye that he is truly worthy of the title of black jedi knight - he is the master with his black entourage of ghouls. He displays mastery of the cheap shot, the takeout, and the massaging of the rules whilst spinning a story to make black into white and white into black. Yes, while Darthpaul is not comfortable being in the spotlight, he has proven he can lead from the rear, and he has no problems slinging the effluent he conveniently finds there.

So how will the darkside retain power for their masters the globalists/UN loving crowd when their leader is but half-cocked? Well they have bought a willing accomplice in Barbelinda, who loves the spotlight more than it loves her. She is famous for her decentralized management style (where more talented people than herself actually do the work and make the decisions, while she takes her share of the credit - such a true capitalist she is), which will mesh well with Darthpaul's desire to stay in the shadows lest his ugly countenance be seen by too many people. They are the duality that Yoda claims always comes in twos, one seen and one hidden.

Today Thursday May 19th, 2005 will go down in infamy in the empire (Canada - remnant of the British Empire), and whether Darthpaul and Barbelinda manage to force the senate to go along with their invasion (continued operation of the occupying force that Darthpaul's liberals are), is yet to be seen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Belinda bolts into an uncertain future!

Well I must have been one of the last conservatives in Canada today to learn about Belinda Stronach's jump to the federal Liberals.

All the same, after the initial shock wore off, I was not that surprised. Most of us should have seen this coming weeks ago. Her trip to Washington to hobnob with Bill Clinton (A democrat, the american equivalent of a Liberal in Canada), her criticisms aimed at Stephen Harper and her general RED Tory disposition. That Stronach is aligned with ex-offico's of Mike Harris and Brian Mulroney, globalist Red Tories - makes it perfectly clear what is happening now; the gloves are off, fake conservatives and liberals are the enemy.

That the 'mason boys' are pulling out all stops to keep control of Canada and insure its leftward march towards socialism is now apparent. But there is obviously division in the ranks and there are opposing sides lining up for the right to take us into the endposts for any glory or rewards as the case may be.

But back to Belinda. Not a bad person but one of questionable background all the same. A person that has been called one of the most powerful women in the world but like many women at the lofty heights of the business and political world these days, she cannot claim to be self-made. That aside, I cannot say that I have been impressed with her in the few times that I have heard her speak or present herself to the public. Many question the depth of committment and the strength of will, or the quality of ability that she may possess for any high level job. Myself I don't want to go down roads that I cannot return from. But in either case whether she be talented or barely above average there are other aspects to consider here as more important.

What is obvious and going around the conservative blogging world is that Mr. Martin in his wisdom (or his apparent sleaze which is most abundant), has offered Belinda a lot for the sole purpose of potentially propping up his corrupt government. That Belinda walks in with a lower-tiered cabinet position will likely piss-off a lot of the liberal backbench. But the bigger concerns for Belinda in the longer term in this dramatic move is whether she will position herself to be Paul Martin's heir apparent in the case that he crashes and burns. Many liberals are saying publicly that Paulie is finished in the longer term no matter what happens because he is being seen now as detrimental to the constant quest for liberal power - his own personal credibility. That Liberals believe they should always maintain power in a democracy is truly scary but that is annother story for annother day to be addressed by me.

The next problem that Belinda has is winning her Aurora riding again which she barely carried last election. Although, I have known a number of people that live up that way, I'm not sure how this move will be interpreted by the local burgers up there. Myself, I wouldn't be impressed if I was a resident (I generally don't like defectors), but I'm assuming that she is polling like mad using the resources that only Belinda Rich can muster. She would have been nervous going into any election and maybe now she believes she can win being a liberal shill. I'm hoping that the conservatives work hard to take her down in the coming election either way and maybe I'm try to get up there to help them out. It would be worth it to just see the fear in her eyes come election night.

Well how does this affect the conservative party? Not sure, but I expect it will blow over in a week or two. Either an election will begin or we will end up hearing about Gomery again, and the sooner the better I say. In regards the vote in the house in two days, I have to assume that it will be very close now and I don't have enought insights to tell who is going to win unfortunately. There is talk afoot that the liberals did not lock up the independents for the vote as they had hoped they would, so I assume the liberals have been making a lot of telephone calls. Either way, an election is coming and we as conservatives have to drive ahead to win no matter what. Maybe without the backstabbing of Belinda now we can move ahead more unified than ever.

Two other issues at hand is the following: Peter McKay's apparent relationship with Belinda and her owing the conservative party money for the failed leadership campaign. One begins to wonder if her sole purpose in dating McKay was to act as a spy or to have him as some boytoy. Peter you are a good guy and I knew that when I met you, but don't despair there is better out there for you than her. I'm hoping that she was not shown all the treasures in the secret cove that is CPC headquarters. If she had, I'm sure she is doing a lot of talking now. In terms of Belinda owing the party money, a reputed $380,000 I believe: all I can say is this, further evidence that the rich don't pay their bills and they always expect special treatment over everybody else. This might be the most offensive issue in this whole story frankly, the attitude that I don't have to pay my bills.

I'm sure that you will find a good home in the liberal party Belinda because it is so obvious that your values line up so well with them. This is assuming that daddy due to his threats of retirement at Magna, didn't demand that you become PM within the next 12 months or give up on your political ambitions and come back home.

Only time will tell how this will affect you Beinda, I expect that your future in politics is to be short as you obviously have no patience and since you have a good job to go to at anytime, you will in fact leave the liberals in due course. Have you hurt the conservative party of Canada, yes but only in the short-term, for I expect that your leaving will only make us stronger in the long-run.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The ugly face of Liberalism: The main stream media.

This is an article that I have planned in my head for some weeks now. The view of the main stream media (hereafter shortened as MSM), from the perspective of a conservative.

Well opportunity knocks because today all over the MSM in the US and to a lesser extent in Canada is the Newsweek scandal. The story as many reading this may know involved Newsweek, not doing due diligence (as a professional would be expected to do of course), in reporting a story that led to several large riots in the middle east and the loss of dozens of lives in several countries.

The real problem in this story is that Newsweek is a hardcore liberal publication that when confronted with this story, which the US military vehemently denied from start to finish, unrepettantly refused to back down. Well today it was acknowledged by Newsweek that a mistake had been made and that they were incorrect in their original story.

An official appology was immediately demanded by the White House which has come under constant attack by the MSM since the day G. W. Bush was elected (not surprisingly since he is a republican and something like 80% or more of journalists and newsreaders in the US are Democratic Party supporters), thereby hoping for some payback on an arrogant and orchestrated attack without regard for even a shred of professionalism. The appology came but slow in terms of what a reasonable person would expect. Furthermore the editor kept rambling on about the need to fully explore what went on or caused the problem as though hinting that they had done nothing wrong - obviously being caught red-handed by the liberal MSM never causes any feelings of guilt or humility. In the end it does not matter what happened as long as one realizes that Newsweek was not doing their job and was too eager to put forward a story that brought disrepute on a White House that they did not like. The owners of Newsweek are not innocent in any of this either by the way.

So we have here, an example of liberal MSM bias in my opinion and we have had similar incidents being exposed in recent months in the US as you the dear reader would remember. Well what is the situation in Canada you may ask? Well it is as bad if not a lot worse in my mind. First of all let us consider the ties to corruption and criminality that our current Liberal government in Ottawa has been accused of. Most would argue in favour or denial of this reputed Liberal criminality, but the reality is that whatever side of the political spectrum that you favour at anytime, the fact is that Canada has joined the ranks of the banana republic's in the world that we have always been so gratefull in this country to have never been associated with before. Yes, Canada is no longer an adolescent on the world stage of political slime and corruption, having easily crossed the line into the darkest realms often associated with lesser parts of the world.

So is corruption and bias rampant in the Canadian MSM, I would say YES. I think that is the next frontier that must be broached in the coming months and years ahead in this country. Yet, understand that throughout much of Canada's history we have always followed most trends in the US. That is why I argue that what we are seeing in the US is only to be revealled in Canada sooner if not later.

Well you would want some examples of what I am asserting, MSM bias in Canada and I am not going to disappoint you. My favourite target for MSM bias in Canada is of course the CBC, that megalithic presence all across Canada, which reaches every nook and crany of this massive country. That the CBC mostly depends on government funds for it's survival would hint at any governing party using it for its own means is obvious, but there is a more fundamental arguement for the lack of CBC integrity. First of all, I would argue that the CBC does not have a mandate that it observes, simply because it has never been seen in the public eye to my knowledge anyways, to answer to any public complaints laid against it in regards bias or any hidden agendas. What is obviously hidden is the board of directors of the CBC, which are all hand picked for political reasons and are always in support of that one great ideal - which is the spread of liberalism in Canada. That the CBC has been said to be left-wing for most if not all of its long and storied history is without question, to its various critics across the country. The directors of this public corporation perpetually seem to feel no heat nor fear of an unhappy public for any reason whatsoever. Truly a wonderful job befitting of the elite of the socialistic world.

Then there is the funding issues with the CBC. First of all it was created to do a job for which the private sector was unable to do or did not want to do. But in recent years, the government funding has been reduced and replaced with the CBC's increasing incursions into the private business realm. This goes against the CBC's original mandate that for which it was created in the first place: a non-partisan voice, not beholden to the titans of capital or so it goes. Yet, the funding that is given to the CBC by Ottawa, mostly from Liberal governments in the past 4 decades, is a straight transfer from government tax reserves to the CBC's accounts. This is not a way to fund the CBC for which to hold it accountable to public opinion in any manner since I have to attack the federal government in order to get to the CBC. There could be other ways to do this, if we should do it any longer at all.. in England for example the BBC is funded by a direct tax to each household with a TV set, which appears brutish in some respects, such that each citizen is directly paying for this service. In my mind this type of direct taxing makes the BBC more directly tied to the public's acceptance or rejection than the model we have in Canada.

In short, despite the funding issues, I want to say that I do not see any further role for the CBC in this country due to it's primary purpose of maintaining Liberal Party of Canada hegemony in this country for prior decades. From where I stand, the CBC's prime directive has become it's own long-term survival, which does nothing for me the taxpayer. That is excepting all the time that the CBC (dominated by unionists and socialists), is not kneeled in subjugation of whatever political party is running Ottawa. I may be nieve here but I was always told that public corporations had higher ideals than just their own survival and I do believe this view of a higher mandate of why they were created in the first place - to serve the public in a way that the private sector cannot. But we have not observed the higher ideals of public corporations in this country for some time now.

Then there is the issue of whether the private sector can do the job that the CBC does now, the answer of course is YES. I see no reason why private operators, being highly regulated, cannot takeover many of the tasks currently being fulfilled by the CBC. Many would argue that the CBC is only annother competitor in a very tight industry in regards competition for limited profits. All the same, there may be a limited role for the CBC in certain areas of Canada and for it to do certain things that the private sector cannot, will not, or should not do. It would take some discussion with Canadians to decide what those things are of course. Otherwise, I am calling for the dismantling of the CBC as we know it. Now I must address the rest of the MSM in Canada, but that will come in articles in the future... stay tuned.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

What is wrong with Canada... Ontario?

Canada's Future Depends on Ontario's Next Move.

I am a born and bred Ontarian. I can measure my family back at least 4 generations in this province. Thus, I think I can say with some authority that Ontario is not perfect but it has no major problems that many other people living in other places would quibble about in this country. Ontario has a good location, overall a good climate (for Canada), it is prosperous and generally Ontario offers opportunity to it's citizens (oops should say the globalistic preferred 'residents').

But Ontario is also burdened by history and responsibility you see. It can't be like the rest of the country eg. Atlantic Canada, much of the West, the North, or even Quebec. Ontario cannot solely pursue selfish ends like most other regions of Canada, and in fact it does not for the most part. I know that my saying this will ruffle a lot of feathers but you are all free to disagree with me here if you like.

With all that said, Ontario cannot afford to be stupid nor negligent either and that is what I am accusing it of being. Yes, Ontarians are self-absorbed in the pursuit of wealth and prosperty, a level that many in the rest of Canada only aspire to. Yes, Ontarians also pay many of the bills that need to be paid in order to keep this country functioning. But that does not absolve Ontario from paying attention to what is going on in this great country. The simple fact is that LIBERALISM has allowed that Quebec direct the country while Ontario and a few of the other 'HAVE' provinces have paid many of the bills (namely Alberta, and sometimes BC, as have provinces).

This may make Ontario happy as it allows business to continue as usual and allows it's leading citizens to continue to look out for themselves. But this is not an exercise in nation building nor is it ethical nor practical. When you have responsibility you must act with maturity and accept it and do what is practically expedient. Ontario has not done this for at least 4 decades now. Since the quiet revolution' in Quebec, we have seen Quebec take over and control the entire mandate in this country and Ontario has been content to step down. This has all been sold as a response to creeping Americanism, a way to keep the US at bay, at any cost by the left (mostly those unionists that decry the sad state of unionized labour in the US for example).

That Quebec looking out for itself, always preparing for the day that it may leave Canada, that Ontario has been content to maintain a subservient population across Canada for which its factories can service.. has not been a good deal for everyone else is quite obvious (especially when one measures their life's quality in terms of their ability to achieve their sought out objectives for growth and development - that which the current federalism seems to limit to certain regions of Canada). This status quo all started to unravel when Alberta found the 'black gold' and realized that it was the rich sibbling in the unhappy family that is Canada. This has led to the rise of conservatism (undermined by populism), as the political opponent of liberal Ontario and Quebec as a mode of expression for discontent in this country. Make no mistake about it, so far much of the rest of Canada is only an appendage of Ontario and Quebec's political and economic designs, but that may soon change. That Alberta challenged this stagnant status quo and has made it a rallying cry for many disaffected in the country is truly remarkable indeed. The odds against this type of movement are incredibly high (especially when liberalism espoused 'clientism' as a method of delivering benefit to citizens), except for one obvious point - you cannot build a revolution without a lot of unhappy people. That Liberalism has produced a lot of unhappy people in this country is not without notice.

That Alberta would rise to challenge the staid and complacent Ontario and attempt to show people that not only had they neglected their responsibility and duty, but to show the public that Quebec was not the sole reason for Canada to exist anymore is truly courageous. Whereby Quebec nationalism was a response to a reality that Ontario could do nothing about, cultural isolation whereby Quebec is surrounded by a modern english, north american entity for which all Canadians are expected to bleed (via subservience to Quebec's never ending demands), in order to quell Quebec's fears is ridiculous. Here we have the reason for the stupidity of Ontario - trying to solve a problem that is unsolvable; the ultimate separate of Quebec from Canada. It is like trying to avoid divorce when the other is quite motivated to leave.

On the other hand, Ontario by trying to keep Quebec happy at any cost has been negligent to the rest of Canada. This unhappy marriage of Ontario and Quebec, has allowed all kinds of unfairness to occur in order to maintain the 'official Ottawa' that Quebec prefers and for which it mostly benefits. This leads me to Ontario's responsiblity as the big brother (or father if you like), in this family to ensure that everybody gets an opportunity to achieve their reasonable asperations as well as trying to keep Quebec happy. If this is even possible that is?

A step in that direction of maintaining order as well as providing more justice and hope in this country is for Ontario in the upcoming election to vote conservative. Ontario voting conservative will prove to the rest of Canada that this great province is not only responsible but intelligent. I say let the cards fall where they may as a result of more regional influence in how Ottawa is run (as expected if conservatives win the next election), since I strongly believe that Quebec is not going anywhere without a fat bank account of its own and we all know it.