Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Have we been invaded yet?

To understand what his happening today, one must understand certain military tenets of warfare. These include:

-Infiltrate the enemy country with advance forces and spies.
-Pre-position supplies close to the anticipated battleground.
-Destroy the enemy’s will to resist.
-Destroy the enemy population’s morals and morale.
-Sew confusion among the enemy population.
-Cut lines of communication.
-Create diversions.
-Control all information and media outlets.
-Attack on many fronts.
-Destroy the enemy’s capability to wage war.
-Reduce or destroy enemy’s military bases.
-Strike only when ready and when enemy is at his weakest.

In the intelligence world, what we do is take pieces of information, like pieces of a puzzle, and “put them on the wall and see what picture develops.” Lord Wellington of Waterloo once said “I’ve spent my entire military career wondering what the chap on the other side of the hill was doing.” In intelligence circles, information gathering is chief among tasks, followed by “okay, what are they up to?”
-the guy who wrote this was fearing for the future of the US vis a vis China/Russia. But if he looked at Canada he really would be horrified.

Monday, June 27, 2005

More Gay Perversity from Torstar Corp.

A thigh is quite a thigh, as Pride goes by
Rosie Dimanno

"Horny?'' asked the T-shirt, worn by a particularly good looking piece of male eye candy.
-high grade journalism here eh?

Yes, actually, but what can you do about it.
-you are in the right place Rosie

Pride Week in Toronto is a time when straight women can fill their eyes — if not their arms — with luscious, lip-licking, libidinous masculinity, running the entire gamut from he-man to girly-man variety.
-are you weird Rosie? Still a catholic?

None of whom, alas, gives a toss about us.
-so women support this as some kind of porn fantasy?

The old adage that the best-looking guys are all gay never feels truer than during this annual celebration of all things queer.
-based upon your ball-breaking views over the years I cannot see how many real men would find you attractive

Or, to be more formally inclusive and gender-permutated about it, all things LGBTTIQ: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex and queer. We don't know what intersex means, to be honest, but we like the sound of it.
-you do, why?

And we must not take it personally when, standing this close to a fellow who is completely naked save for his combat boots and penis jewellery, we fail to get a rise out of him, despite all our coquetry.
-really why not Rosie? btw, since when is it legal to parade around in the nude in public?

On another day, this gentleman might have got himself arrested for lewd conduct because it's still not quite acceptable to walk around in the buff, even on Church St. But on this afternoon, Totally Naked Toronto — a group of nudity proponents who fought to make Hanlan's Point a clothing-optional venue — has set up their campy hutch just yards away from the OPP information kiosk, without a whiff of disapproval.
-really, maybe the OPP is full of gays too then?

"As long as I'm wearing shoes, it's not considered total nudity,'' explains Peter Gray. "But I did have one cop come up to me last night asking if I realized this was a family event.''
-lol, family event? I cannot believe they allow this?

Twenty-five years after Toronto's first "Gay Day Picnic'' at Hanlan's Point — the predecessor to Gay Pride parading — this is what the occasion has become; a fully integrated and utterly mainstream family event, appropriate for children, driven less by political activism than sheer entertainment, and pumping an estimated $80 million into the city.
-Rosie, how is public nudity related to sexuality family entertainment and appropriate for children? Do you have a psychological problem? In regards the $80 million, I would like to see the estimate because I do not trust you, the media nor governments (which love gayness), to tell the truth.

If anything, yesterday's parade could have used a shade more rude, lewd and crude.
-really Rosie, well I got news for you, I'm betting that it only gets worse in future. But what would it take to shock somebody like you by the way?

Not to promote stereotypes, but Pride Parade — that's the correct term for it, nowadays, as we are reminded by a glossary of terms contained in the Office Pride Dictionary included in our media package — has grown up so much, become so mature, it is verging on the downright PG-rated conventional.
-are you psychotic? what about this parade resembles PG themes? Nice to see that the media is doing all it can to 'sell this shyte' to the public as wholesome and innocent. The office pride dictionary in the media package- gives you talking points on the parade and tells you how to think does it?

At times, as the 158 groups involved in the silver-anniversary celebration set out from their launching point on Bloor St., it looked and felt almost like a Labour Day parade, or something equally conformist.
-oh you mean like socialist or communist do you? is that who is behind this decadence?

All the major unions had their own floats, as did the earnest community organizations, faith-based associations, health care agencies, sports leagues and assorted ethnic clubs. The million or so spectators who lined the route were reminded — as if reminding were needed — that there are gay Latinos, gay African-Canadians, gay Jews, gay Muslims, gay Lutherans, gay students, gay parents, gay environmentalists, gay anti-war protestors, gay fat men in combat fatigues and even Gay Geeks.
-what faith based associations... would like to see a list of them. You say one million observers, then what is with the 125,000 number mentioned in your newspaper and in the Globe & Mail?

So non-controversial has the parade become that Toronto's new police chief Bill Blair was at the very head of the marching affair, walking alongside Mayor David Miller and other municipal politicians, just behind scout cars draped with the rainbow flag. Blair is the first cop ever to participate, and he didn't look in the least bit uncomfortable.

-maybe Blair is gay? secondly if the parade was so mainstream as you suggest then why was he the first top cop to be in it?

His presence was warmly applauded, testament to the reconciliation that has occurred between a police force and a queer constituency that has been harassed by the law in the past. It was the infamous bathhouse raids in 1981 — 301 men taken into custody in Canada's largest mass arrest — that forged a politicized entity out of Toronto's homosexual community. That was also the year that Lesbian and Gay Pride Day Toronto was legally incorporated.
-the bath houses were places of homosexual orgies and likely prostitution in non-private places, clearly against the law. Obviously, gays want to be able to do what they want when they want and the gay infested police and political realm supports them.

"I was invited,'' Blair said simply, adding that the parade was yet another outward indication of the city's noble diversity. "I couldn't be any prouder than to be here today.''
-noble diversity? what is noble about people that only have sexual differences and perversity as their defining uniqueness?

He did, though, look a mite spit-polished and over-dressed for the occasion, even in casual uniform. When it was suggested that he might want to at least undo his top button, Blair dead-panned: "The one tucked under my buckle is undone."
-yeah Blair, dress like the other gays you wimp!!

There's no arguing the pride parade is one of the most well-behaved, unthreatening, love-is-all-around big public events. Parade marshals were endlessly patient in the blazing heat, and even apologetic when the march started 20 minutes late. "We're on dyke time, okay?'' said one woman as she semaphored floats into position.
-dyke time, as in union government employee time? Gay pride is not a love-in, it is a sex-in and a flaunting of gay power in the faces of civil society and a reminder and threat of what is to come.

What was missing though, if one might be so bold, is a dash of the eccentricity and outrageousness that were hallmarks of the parade in years past. So few men in leather codpieces and bondage gear, not as many drag queens in fishtail dresses and stiletto heels, not even a good soaking to be had from high-power squirt guns. One woman in a bikini bottom, her small breasts bared, looked more sheepish than in-your-face defiant as she led around a skinny stud-trussed acolyte on a leash.
-gee since when is bondage suitable for families and kids to observe?

Perhaps they no longer have to make fun of themselves to court acceptability from society because they've moved beyond all that. After all, the key political issue in 2005 is not police bullying or fag-baiting but same-sex marriage, which will surely be proclaimed by Parliament before it rises for the summer.
-they have the power because our PM loves gays for some reason and will do anything to help them it appears. Now gays do whatever they want it seems when the rest of us can't. You do seem really confident about gay marriage though, too confident I would say.

"It's changed a lot, but that's a good thing,'' argued Colin Irving, who was dressed in exact look-alike ensemble with his partner, Bert Nyboer, down to the yard-long braided beards (hair extensions). "When the parade was smaller, it felt like everybody knew one another. Maybe now, it's a bit more corporate. But I think that shows the acceptance and tolerance that's grown in the city.
-corporate? I thought that business was not obcessed with sex and public policy?

"It used to be a lot more about sex in the old days. I think that was because of the anger that we felt. We were made out to be deviants and sex molesters. So it was like, `we'll show you'. Now it's like, just leave it in the bedroom. We don't have to be so explicit about sex any more or run around wearing a jock strap.
-if that is the case then why the S&M and nudes running around? Besides who asked you to be explicit? The idea of that was to appeal to your own kind and to openly defy the system. It was not at all about creating dialogue or inviting reasoned debate between yourselves and society.

"Take a look. There are gay men pushing their babies in strollers. Those are families. That's who we are.''
-where did the kid come from? A family can be what you define it to be but not society that has existed for at least 10,000 years?

Just so. But there should also always be room for those fearless superheroes, Pansy Man and Sissy Boy, who had their own message yesterday.
"We're here to save Pride from heterosexuality.''

-who is going to save heterosexuality from Pride?

IN conclusion, annother puff piece from the corporate MSM, trying to sell the homo dream to the mainstream, primarily using monetary benefit as the real reason for acceptance. The glossing over of the sexuality here and the perverse anti-family and anti-traditional views espoused here make Dimanno look like somebody that hates where she came from, even though I'm willing to bet that she has a great life and probably doesn't deserve it.

Current News and Comments

New U.S envoy plans "to listen"
— South Carolina politician David Wilkins, who starts this week as the new U.S. ambassador to Canada, seems determined to avoid the pitfalls of his predecessor.

Where Paul Cellucci fast developed a reputation as a blunt advocate for President George W. Bush, jumping smack in the middle of bilateral rifts like Canada's defence capabilities and its position on the Iraq war, Wilkins is playing it safe.
-gee nice welcome... first words are he 'plans to listen.' I wonder if those are orders? Actually while we are on it, what about Canada's defence capabilities and its position on the Iraq war?
-nice to see a CP story with a name on it too, normally they are cowards and you have no idea who they are.
-oh yeah I forgot to tell ya David, see up here in Kanada, the media runs everything, ya gotta do what dey want see, dey is the boss.

When Matt became Jade

Many at Northern Secondary School were surprised when Matt H. announced last year that he was running for student council president. A somewhat lonely boy, he didn't fit the model of the popular, extroverted student leader. Everyone seemed to know the outgoing president. Matt was more reserved — he liked playing on-line games and writing. He was on the ninth revision of a fantasy novel.
-okay so he wants to branch out right?

Everyone told him he didn't have a hope of winning. But he got the signatures needed for a nomination. For his election campaign that spring, he made a funny video, an instant teenage classic that showed him drinking a smoothie made from everything in his refrigerator.
-uh being cool is more important than offering something...

On stage at an assembly, where he stood tall, at 6 foot, 4 inches, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, he made a short satirical speech that parodied campaign promises: "I'll prevent a gigantic meteor from crashing into the school," he boasted. He won a standing ovation. It was a narrow margin — 16 votes — but he won the election.
-gee he must been running against a buncha losers

In December, just seven months later, students and teachers saw an entirely different school president. The acting principal, Tony Kerins, sent teachers a letter saying that Matt had made a "gender presentation decision" and would soon be dressing as a girl at school. For the rest of the year, Matt would be known as Jade.
-whoaahhh Nelly!!! but the star's gotta push this story right??

The staff wasn't asked to prepare students. The thinking was that Jade should not be seen as an exhibit and exposed to an open forum about her change. "We have this person who is one of us," Kerins said, "and we are not going to have that person hurt or embarrassed."
-but he errr she errr whatever is an exhibit...

Just before the Christmas break, Jade chose her outfit for her first school day as a girl — a ruffled knee-length black skirt, pink T-shirt and black jacket and a dark wig that flipped up at the ends. The next day, she began life as Jade.
-wow is that all it takes? who is she dating? is she a cheerleader yet? I bet she can play on the ladies basketball team though...

She was escorted to her classes by Dale Callender, a counsellor from Delisle Youth Services, a dropout-prevention centre at the school that's expanded into many parts of student life.
-what? I assume that Dale, helped to engineer this too?? what other shyte is Dale up to btw? I'm wondering if Jade would have won the vote without the gay, bisexual, trisexual or whatever support?

Callender, a neat, compact man, in his mid-30s, is a respected figure, immersed in school culture — he's like an icon here, one student said — and there's usually a gaggle of teenagers waiting outside his third-floor office.
-here's the media build-up now... immersed in school culture what does that mean, he's dating the kids?
-hate to be so insensitive but if you want to read more then go to the story at the link above... I wonder if the kids voted for a girl when they cast their vote for Matt? Why didn't this person wait until they left high school and went on their own... I think that Callender is running this show and he is out to make a statement just like the media is doing.

Glittering parade
Decked out in green beads, pink angel wings, bright purple dresses or very little at all, more than 125,000 revellers locked down Toronto's downtown core to celebrate one of the world's largest gay and lesbian festivals today under a blistering sun.
-not that big of a crowd compared to what they have claimed in the past

Partiers laughed, cheered and danced their way through the streets at the 25th annual Pride Parade, which featured dozens of glittering floats and countless writhing bodies.
-nice family entertainment

"It can get pretty hot in this dress," said 54-year-old Terry Cook, also known as Divine, who cross-dressed in a velvet red gown, a thick blonde wig and applied cakes of makeup for the occasion. "But it's not that hot if I don't think about it."
-why don't you just get a sex-change Terry and get it over with?

Cook and those who lined the route got some relief from the heat from the many parade-goers toting water guns — a signature of the event.
-gee I could bring a bucket and throw it on some of them

The nearly three-hour extravaganza showcased flamboyant floats and colourful motorized trams sponsored by various groups, including the Ontario Provincial Police, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, and several diverse ethnic groups.
-what about the nude guys waltzing down the street? OPP's what do they have to do with this??

"I absolutely loved it," said Anastacia Scannel, 19, who was part of a train float sponsored by VIA Rail. It was her first parade.
"It was an absolutely great experience and I'll be sure to be here next year."
-what does VIA Rail have to do with this? why taxpayer's dollars on this?

The celebration of sexuality featured plenty of skin, with many parade-goers skimping around in nothing but shorts — or less. One man wore only the barest of red buttons over his nether-regions.
Spectators clambered onto rooftops, light stands, and newspaper stands in order to get a better view of the floats and dancing performers. Some even balanced dangerously on window ledges, blowing bubbles and throwing condoms into the crowd.
-why is the taxpayer supporting a fest celebrating often perverse sexuality? and in the open no less?

Among the many officials who took part in the parade was Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, who donned his uniform to become the city's first top cop to participate.
-hopefully the last if I had my way

Several politicians were also on hand, but Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, who is visiting the Toronto area, did not attend the festivities.
-bravo Stephen. Nice to see all the other brown-nosers out there.

Ryan Johnson dressed up in army fatigues to protest war with the War Resistor Support Campaign. His group received one of the loudest responses from the crowd today as they walked the route.
"It was great, we got a really great response from people," Johnson said. "There was a lot of cheering, people blowing horns and clapping."
-what the hell does this have to do with gay pride?

Another of the standout showcases featured a man dressed in an elaborate peacock-shaped costume painted in hues of red, yellow and purple.
-standout showcases... wow you had to reach for that one didn't you?

Organizers estimate the city's Pride Week festivities, which began in 1981, attracted about one million people to Toronto this week.
Police reported no major incidents.
-really? then why were they not at the parade then?

Tom Riley, 58, a spectator who has attended the parade every year since it began, said he was disappointed Harper did not make an appearance.
-gee are you gay Tom? or is it biased to ask that now?

"I heard he was supposed to be with his son," Riley said. ``It's disappointing he's not here, but that's his choice I guess."
-of course it is, it still is a free country last time I checked. I have lived in Toronto for 26 years and I am proud to say that I have never attended the gay pride parade.

Today, Harper spoke against same-sex marriages while attending a religious convention in Mississauga, just east of Toronto.
-good timing too

The House of Commons begins debate this week on same-sex marriage legislation.
-more like a show down I would say

"It looks like it's going to go through and hopefully it will," Riley said.
-yeah I was right... Riley is gay. Why can't the RED STAR say so??