Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May 19, 2005: return of Darthpaul..!!

Parallels between the Dark Lords and our current badboy PMPM.

I started this story yesterday and it was to be a bit different but for some reason it got mostly lost in cyber space. But it did provide the impetus for this masterpiece I am about to lay on ya... so enjoy!

What a week! First we have Barbelinda bounding across that narrow open floor to cuddle close to Darthpaul and tonight we had Mr. Grewel, making accusations that he can back up by the way, stating that he and others have most definitely been asked to join the darkside. As usual the media (like the corrupt senate in the Star Wars films..), usurped by the dark side has striven to protect their dark overlords.

While I am an avid Star Wars viewer having been greatly influenced by the original that I actually saw in 1977 (unlike a lot of the current younger crowd..), I have become less enthused by recent slander coming from Mr. Lucas the lord of the realm. He is saying that the dark lord to him is GWB and he and his liberal/lefty friends are the good guys. Well all I got to say is this George: come up here and tell me which side is the bad guys? Frankly, I see Star Wars the way I want to see it, just like those of us that read the bible or the Koran or whatever. Let it reach the inner force I say. Thus, I stick my neck out here and claim that I am on the good side and you and your friends are the dark side.

But let me mention that I am a student of the occult (one must know their enemies by the way..), and I find it strange that Mr. Lucas released his 6th film on May 19, 2005 (numerologically not a positive number, example all odd numbers and 19 = (6 x 3) + 1), and he ended his trilogy on a negative note (strange for a series of films coming out of hollywood about the struggle of good over evil - whereby hollywood has usually seen good winning out..). Strange also, that that cult hero of the modern era as seen to lead our aspirations of good over evil stops his tale at the bleakest point.. but then again Mr. Lucas may know about what is coming up in the near future and his film is only a forewarning.. to us all.

But I am not here to bore you with occultic references and suggestions of conspiracy (at least the kind of conspiracy that we are told by the MSM that is fabricated often like their assertions about conspiracy related to politics..), when I want to talk about our current fearless leader Darthpaul. But the similarities are oh so great..

It has become perfectly apparent now that the true evil genius, the real power, the real puppet master in all the Chretien years was in fact Darthpaul. Shocking I know to come to that realization but consider the sales job that the MSM did on us when Jean arrived on the scene. Compare how we were sold Jean as a saviour for the country, the Quebecer from a little town that could identify with us and prevent Quebec from leaving because he really understood what Quebec was about. Oh yeah, Jean knew all right, he knew who was really running the province and he knew the real route to power, but that was a different reality than that sold by the media then and even now. But Jean is gone and since politics has hit rock bottom in this country due to the desperation of the liberals to cling to power at any cost, we need to focus on Darthpaul or Paul Martin as the polite may still refer to him.

That Darthpaul, was the dark shadow always lusting for the day he could assume supreme command is well known to all Canadians. But I am about to suggest that Jean was the puppet that Darthpaul manipulated. Yes, I'm saying that Jean was picked by Darthpaul to be his frontman and to pave the way for his assuming power. Please remember that Darthpaul like Darthvader was groomed from the beginning to assume power and highly courted by the dark side. When Jean was no longer of value, and he in fact became a detriment to the globalistic/socialistic ambitions of bringing Canada under UN control, then Jean was disposed of. Thus in effect Jean was the senator and Darthpaul was Darth Vader in the wings in our sordid parallel tale of two different 'Star' Wars.

Enter stage left, Darthpaul in the wings, ready to jump in to take the reigns. But our Darthpaul has been no jedi knight, afraid to make decisions, afraid to lead and mostly afraid to offend anyone especially amongst the lefty crowd. Our Darthpaul has proven an infectual leader at best. But there is hope, because Darthpaul has finally proven in the open in the public eye that he is truly worthy of the title of black jedi knight - he is the master with his black entourage of ghouls. He displays mastery of the cheap shot, the takeout, and the massaging of the rules whilst spinning a story to make black into white and white into black. Yes, while Darthpaul is not comfortable being in the spotlight, he has proven he can lead from the rear, and he has no problems slinging the effluent he conveniently finds there.

So how will the darkside retain power for their masters the globalists/UN loving crowd when their leader is but half-cocked? Well they have bought a willing accomplice in Barbelinda, who loves the spotlight more than it loves her. She is famous for her decentralized management style (where more talented people than herself actually do the work and make the decisions, while she takes her share of the credit - such a true capitalist she is), which will mesh well with Darthpaul's desire to stay in the shadows lest his ugly countenance be seen by too many people. They are the duality that Yoda claims always comes in twos, one seen and one hidden.

Today Thursday May 19th, 2005 will go down in infamy in the empire (Canada - remnant of the British Empire), and whether Darthpaul and Barbelinda manage to force the senate to go along with their invasion (continued operation of the occupying force that Darthpaul's liberals are), is yet to be seen.

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