Friday, May 20, 2005

This man is a Cad.

Cadman decides 30 minutes before he votes.

Here we are the day after and I understand some of you went out and got fricking drunk. Good for you, I used to do that for a lot lesser reasons believe you me. These days I get my thrills from caffeine, not much hard stuff for me now. If you did have some drinks to deaden the pain of the realization that you now live in an authoritarian state, be sure to drink some tomato juice today - that stuff always helped my hangovers.

Well the Globe & Mail (Gay & Married), carried a story on the vote and claims that Cadman made his decision to vote with the liberals and Darthpaul only 30 minutes before his crucial curtsey was counted. Gee am I stupid, I thought the CAD-man was going to vote with his constituents... I mean was he polling them up to 30 minutes via blackberry before the vote... Something stinks here and it isn't my cat's litter box either.

Luckily for me, I followed my gut and I was one of the first out of the gate to slag old Caddy. See all my comments at Andrew Coynes blog if you don't believe me. Mind you it was running about 50-50 there for awhile but by the time I got tired of posting, most of the Cadman supporters had to agree that this guy cheesed out seriously.
Well I got to wonder what Cadman will feel like waking up today, he will either feel like a Cad if he has a conscience or he will be trying to collect the goodies from the package' offered to him by the liberals. Which is it, we don't know yet, but you can bet all eyes will be on the liberal's caddy for sometime to come to see if his good fortune increases unnecessarily.

So what do you think, is Cadman the ultimate upholder of the democratic tradition as he wonts to be portrayed as or is he some scheming weasel who you can't corner with an entire curling team and their brooms?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chuck Cadman wasn't offered anything by the Liberals. Unlike a couple of others that could be named -- and have been, repeatedly -- he cancelled a meeting with Ujjal Dosanjh. Doesn't anyone want to know the real reason why he and his constituents wanted to prop up the Liberals for now? Doesn't anyone realize that there is still some important legislation to pass? Like whistleblower protection? Like veterans' benefits? And a couple of other things...

When he finally does vote to bring down the government, all you guys are gonna be soooooo educated!