Monday, May 16, 2005

The ugly face of Liberalism: The main stream media.

This is an article that I have planned in my head for some weeks now. The view of the main stream media (hereafter shortened as MSM), from the perspective of a conservative.

Well opportunity knocks because today all over the MSM in the US and to a lesser extent in Canada is the Newsweek scandal. The story as many reading this may know involved Newsweek, not doing due diligence (as a professional would be expected to do of course), in reporting a story that led to several large riots in the middle east and the loss of dozens of lives in several countries.

The real problem in this story is that Newsweek is a hardcore liberal publication that when confronted with this story, which the US military vehemently denied from start to finish, unrepettantly refused to back down. Well today it was acknowledged by Newsweek that a mistake had been made and that they were incorrect in their original story.

An official appology was immediately demanded by the White House which has come under constant attack by the MSM since the day G. W. Bush was elected (not surprisingly since he is a republican and something like 80% or more of journalists and newsreaders in the US are Democratic Party supporters), thereby hoping for some payback on an arrogant and orchestrated attack without regard for even a shred of professionalism. The appology came but slow in terms of what a reasonable person would expect. Furthermore the editor kept rambling on about the need to fully explore what went on or caused the problem as though hinting that they had done nothing wrong - obviously being caught red-handed by the liberal MSM never causes any feelings of guilt or humility. In the end it does not matter what happened as long as one realizes that Newsweek was not doing their job and was too eager to put forward a story that brought disrepute on a White House that they did not like. The owners of Newsweek are not innocent in any of this either by the way.

So we have here, an example of liberal MSM bias in my opinion and we have had similar incidents being exposed in recent months in the US as you the dear reader would remember. Well what is the situation in Canada you may ask? Well it is as bad if not a lot worse in my mind. First of all let us consider the ties to corruption and criminality that our current Liberal government in Ottawa has been accused of. Most would argue in favour or denial of this reputed Liberal criminality, but the reality is that whatever side of the political spectrum that you favour at anytime, the fact is that Canada has joined the ranks of the banana republic's in the world that we have always been so gratefull in this country to have never been associated with before. Yes, Canada is no longer an adolescent on the world stage of political slime and corruption, having easily crossed the line into the darkest realms often associated with lesser parts of the world.

So is corruption and bias rampant in the Canadian MSM, I would say YES. I think that is the next frontier that must be broached in the coming months and years ahead in this country. Yet, understand that throughout much of Canada's history we have always followed most trends in the US. That is why I argue that what we are seeing in the US is only to be revealled in Canada sooner if not later.

Well you would want some examples of what I am asserting, MSM bias in Canada and I am not going to disappoint you. My favourite target for MSM bias in Canada is of course the CBC, that megalithic presence all across Canada, which reaches every nook and crany of this massive country. That the CBC mostly depends on government funds for it's survival would hint at any governing party using it for its own means is obvious, but there is a more fundamental arguement for the lack of CBC integrity. First of all, I would argue that the CBC does not have a mandate that it observes, simply because it has never been seen in the public eye to my knowledge anyways, to answer to any public complaints laid against it in regards bias or any hidden agendas. What is obviously hidden is the board of directors of the CBC, which are all hand picked for political reasons and are always in support of that one great ideal - which is the spread of liberalism in Canada. That the CBC has been said to be left-wing for most if not all of its long and storied history is without question, to its various critics across the country. The directors of this public corporation perpetually seem to feel no heat nor fear of an unhappy public for any reason whatsoever. Truly a wonderful job befitting of the elite of the socialistic world.

Then there is the funding issues with the CBC. First of all it was created to do a job for which the private sector was unable to do or did not want to do. But in recent years, the government funding has been reduced and replaced with the CBC's increasing incursions into the private business realm. This goes against the CBC's original mandate that for which it was created in the first place: a non-partisan voice, not beholden to the titans of capital or so it goes. Yet, the funding that is given to the CBC by Ottawa, mostly from Liberal governments in the past 4 decades, is a straight transfer from government tax reserves to the CBC's accounts. This is not a way to fund the CBC for which to hold it accountable to public opinion in any manner since I have to attack the federal government in order to get to the CBC. There could be other ways to do this, if we should do it any longer at all.. in England for example the BBC is funded by a direct tax to each household with a TV set, which appears brutish in some respects, such that each citizen is directly paying for this service. In my mind this type of direct taxing makes the BBC more directly tied to the public's acceptance or rejection than the model we have in Canada.

In short, despite the funding issues, I want to say that I do not see any further role for the CBC in this country due to it's primary purpose of maintaining Liberal Party of Canada hegemony in this country for prior decades. From where I stand, the CBC's prime directive has become it's own long-term survival, which does nothing for me the taxpayer. That is excepting all the time that the CBC (dominated by unionists and socialists), is not kneeled in subjugation of whatever political party is running Ottawa. I may be nieve here but I was always told that public corporations had higher ideals than just their own survival and I do believe this view of a higher mandate of why they were created in the first place - to serve the public in a way that the private sector cannot. But we have not observed the higher ideals of public corporations in this country for some time now.

Then there is the issue of whether the private sector can do the job that the CBC does now, the answer of course is YES. I see no reason why private operators, being highly regulated, cannot takeover many of the tasks currently being fulfilled by the CBC. Many would argue that the CBC is only annother competitor in a very tight industry in regards competition for limited profits. All the same, there may be a limited role for the CBC in certain areas of Canada and for it to do certain things that the private sector cannot, will not, or should not do. It would take some discussion with Canadians to decide what those things are of course. Otherwise, I am calling for the dismantling of the CBC as we know it. Now I must address the rest of the MSM in Canada, but that will come in articles in the future... stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Brian you’re bang on!

If the CBC was a Bay St investment dealer it would have to have a disclosure banner under the news that says something like this:

“The CBC supports all parties that are in favour of big government. We need to be subsidized, whereas parties such as the CPC are ideological opposed to business subsidizes because it leads to bad economics and corruption. Therefore all our news will overtly or subliminally support the left and we constantly sneer at the capitalists.”

But unfortunately it’s not just the CBC that has a vested interest in the status quo with Libranos. Bell/CTV/Globe&Mail plus CanWest/GlobalTV/National Post get caught up in patronage due to the CRTC and other government regulators. This puts all these MSM companies pretty much in bed with the Natural Governing Party – the Libaranos. For example Bell should have a footnote disclosure on all it’s customer bills that says:

“We are in a Catch 22 situation with the Libranos. As business people we want less regulation but the reality is that The Natural Governing Party has us by the shorts when we go to the CRTC. Therefore we will hire a cabal of lefties to write pro- Libranos columns at the Globe and Mail and who preach Harper is angry and scary. We will take a similar News approach at CTV.
Furthermore we depend on advertising revenues, the CPC will shrink Crown Corporations who advertise with us and generally reduce the Governments' 42% involvement in the economy. Therefore it is only rational for us to support the Libranos who love big government ”

Anonymous said...


It was pretty clear to me that despite all of Conrad Black’s warts thank God he threw a monkey wrench in this circle of patronage. Chrétien hated him for it. The Aspers are bagmen for the Liberals and when Mark Steyn got replaced by Sheila Copps I cancelled.

I don’t care what David Asper does, he’s a business investor, he decides. But like you Brian, the CBC drives me nuts because I can’t cancel, they tax me for the 1 Billion dollar subsidy plus there is lost tax revenue compared to say the profitable Hockey Night being shown on CTV and the profits taxed.

Nomdenet (sorry ,I forgot to sign above)

Walsh Writes said...

Yeah I like Mark Steyn too.