Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Do we really need an election now?

Editorial in today's Toronto Sun, questions need to go to polls now.

This is the pressing question of the moment isn't it. To election or not? that is the question.

With the delicate balance in Ottawa right now, I know one thing, an election can be called anytime. That is for sure, as long as the Gomery inquiry runs they can do it on short notice.

Maybe there is no need to run to the polls, I mean there is lots of blood to spill yet in that court room. I expect that when the heat builds on ex-PM Chretien that he will turn on Mr. Martin. Then we would have these weasely liberals for sure wouldn't we?

Besides, I lost all of May and June last year running my arse off, and I'm not in much of a mood to do it this year. Hell I wish I was NEO then I could just check in and out of the phone lines or fly somewhere if I had to...

Why don't we agree to disagree on the election deal, let's agree to call it before the weasely liberals get a chance at damage control. Provided of course that the liberals get a chance to save themselves, which may not come at all.

I keep thinking of the power rangers these days, you know those cool young people in suits. But in this case it is related to my wonderment at the mighty morphin POWER Corp liberals!! We will be hearin' a lot more about the mighty-morphin Power Corpers in the months to come I think.

Kyoto: Nastier than a new Godzilla movie!!

Ah so, Kyoto. How do you say acrid smelling lotus flower in anglais?

The monster that eats everything is Kyoto according to todays Red' Star (Toronto Star), article. That's because our government is planning to spend $10 Billion of taxpayer's money to tell you to use less energy!

I know it's laughable isn't it. I mean a barrel of petroleum oil is almost as expensive as virgin olive oil these days... we hardly need any incentives to burn less of the stuff.

But since the brain trust at LPC central figured out that business couldn't meet the stiff pollution reduction requirements without transferring most of the jobs out of the country, the burden has fallen mostly on the backs of the little guy.

Now how are you going to reduce your green house gas emissions? Maybe we can all stop eating beans, I understand that methane is a big problem with cattle too.