Sunday, May 15, 2005

What is wrong with Canada... Ontario?

Canada's Future Depends on Ontario's Next Move.

I am a born and bred Ontarian. I can measure my family back at least 4 generations in this province. Thus, I think I can say with some authority that Ontario is not perfect but it has no major problems that many other people living in other places would quibble about in this country. Ontario has a good location, overall a good climate (for Canada), it is prosperous and generally Ontario offers opportunity to it's citizens (oops should say the globalistic preferred 'residents').

But Ontario is also burdened by history and responsibility you see. It can't be like the rest of the country eg. Atlantic Canada, much of the West, the North, or even Quebec. Ontario cannot solely pursue selfish ends like most other regions of Canada, and in fact it does not for the most part. I know that my saying this will ruffle a lot of feathers but you are all free to disagree with me here if you like.

With all that said, Ontario cannot afford to be stupid nor negligent either and that is what I am accusing it of being. Yes, Ontarians are self-absorbed in the pursuit of wealth and prosperty, a level that many in the rest of Canada only aspire to. Yes, Ontarians also pay many of the bills that need to be paid in order to keep this country functioning. But that does not absolve Ontario from paying attention to what is going on in this great country. The simple fact is that LIBERALISM has allowed that Quebec direct the country while Ontario and a few of the other 'HAVE' provinces have paid many of the bills (namely Alberta, and sometimes BC, as have provinces).

This may make Ontario happy as it allows business to continue as usual and allows it's leading citizens to continue to look out for themselves. But this is not an exercise in nation building nor is it ethical nor practical. When you have responsibility you must act with maturity and accept it and do what is practically expedient. Ontario has not done this for at least 4 decades now. Since the quiet revolution' in Quebec, we have seen Quebec take over and control the entire mandate in this country and Ontario has been content to step down. This has all been sold as a response to creeping Americanism, a way to keep the US at bay, at any cost by the left (mostly those unionists that decry the sad state of unionized labour in the US for example).

That Quebec looking out for itself, always preparing for the day that it may leave Canada, that Ontario has been content to maintain a subservient population across Canada for which its factories can service.. has not been a good deal for everyone else is quite obvious (especially when one measures their life's quality in terms of their ability to achieve their sought out objectives for growth and development - that which the current federalism seems to limit to certain regions of Canada). This status quo all started to unravel when Alberta found the 'black gold' and realized that it was the rich sibbling in the unhappy family that is Canada. This has led to the rise of conservatism (undermined by populism), as the political opponent of liberal Ontario and Quebec as a mode of expression for discontent in this country. Make no mistake about it, so far much of the rest of Canada is only an appendage of Ontario and Quebec's political and economic designs, but that may soon change. That Alberta challenged this stagnant status quo and has made it a rallying cry for many disaffected in the country is truly remarkable indeed. The odds against this type of movement are incredibly high (especially when liberalism espoused 'clientism' as a method of delivering benefit to citizens), except for one obvious point - you cannot build a revolution without a lot of unhappy people. That Liberalism has produced a lot of unhappy people in this country is not without notice.

That Alberta would rise to challenge the staid and complacent Ontario and attempt to show people that not only had they neglected their responsibility and duty, but to show the public that Quebec was not the sole reason for Canada to exist anymore is truly courageous. Whereby Quebec nationalism was a response to a reality that Ontario could do nothing about, cultural isolation whereby Quebec is surrounded by a modern english, north american entity for which all Canadians are expected to bleed (via subservience to Quebec's never ending demands), in order to quell Quebec's fears is ridiculous. Here we have the reason for the stupidity of Ontario - trying to solve a problem that is unsolvable; the ultimate separate of Quebec from Canada. It is like trying to avoid divorce when the other is quite motivated to leave.

On the other hand, Ontario by trying to keep Quebec happy at any cost has been negligent to the rest of Canada. This unhappy marriage of Ontario and Quebec, has allowed all kinds of unfairness to occur in order to maintain the 'official Ottawa' that Quebec prefers and for which it mostly benefits. This leads me to Ontario's responsiblity as the big brother (or father if you like), in this family to ensure that everybody gets an opportunity to achieve their reasonable asperations as well as trying to keep Quebec happy. If this is even possible that is?

A step in that direction of maintaining order as well as providing more justice and hope in this country is for Ontario in the upcoming election to vote conservative. Ontario voting conservative will prove to the rest of Canada that this great province is not only responsible but intelligent. I say let the cards fall where they may as a result of more regional influence in how Ottawa is run (as expected if conservatives win the next election), since I strongly believe that Quebec is not going anywhere without a fat bank account of its own and we all know it.

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