Monday, July 18, 2005

Toronto the retarded

By now most of you have heard of the retarded efforts displayed by city hall in Toronto to appeal in greater part to American Tourists (not that anybody picked up on the anti-American slant of a left-wing city hall btw... or our weasel move to avoid the Iraq War et all..), by a massive $4 million rebranding and advertising campaign.

I won't get into the details here because it would be repeating the BS of the left wing media and city hall and as you readers of this blog know (is infrequent these days unfortunately...), I always like to slag the Toronto REd Star newspaper. But, the obvious 'King has no clothes on syndrome here..' is far too obvious to just be ignored I think.

Will the intelligent citizens of Toronto wake up and rid us of this lefty gang aka Mr. Miller next election? or will they continue to pursue the good life and higher property values and not give a shit about anything?

It's not nice living in a city that makes one long for NYC when it comes to mom and apple pie and a tear in your eye!!