Friday, May 20, 2005

Liberal Thievery

Robin Hood was a thief but he got it right: he stole from the rich to give to the poor, he didn't steal from the poor to keep for himself.

As Gomery winds its way down the sordid paths of debauchery's winding lanes, sometimes dark, sometimes enticing, but never real..

We are always brought back to reality by one mean fact: money who has it and who doesn't.

Take the issue of Barbelinda's recent bolting to the side of Darthpaul, she left owing a rumoured sum over $300,000. I had heard numerous times the conflict between the conservatives and Barbelinda re: her leadership bid's final bill. While I don't know all the details, I'm aware that the rules were fairly applied to her despite her protestations to the contrary. It's possible here that her plan was to win and then like all liberals before her, change the rules from the inside so that she didn't have to pay the debts that she so obviously owed. But, that didn't happen, she didn't win, and thus she was subject to the rules like the most of the rest of us mere mortals. She did a good job of dragging it out and I assume that her leaving while giving everybody the finger' in the process, means in her small mind anyways that she doesn't have to pay now. Well, all I have to say is that $300K takes a lot of time to raise especially for a political party that isn't bankrolled by corporations and the elite like the liberals are. Furthermore, it means a lot of individual contributions of $50.00 to make up for the shortfall. Let's be 'Frank' here: we should sue this woman!

Then there is the poor belated taxpayer, being bled to death by successive liberal and left-wing governments in this country and finally resulting in Darthpaul's goulish regime. The Gomery inquiry which we have to patiently wait for now, has made numerous accusations while not being evidence in the legal sense of the word, have been substantiated before an actual judge. The liberals have admitted that funds have been misappropriated but the leadership refusing to take responsibility is now trying annother scam to confuse the typical taxpayer/voter. These liberals have proposed a so-called trust fund with balance of $750,000 (hmmm did Belinda pay $300K of that already for them..), as a method to reimburse the taxpayers for any misappropriated funds suggested by the Gomery revelations. Well, most people that have been awake the past two months and that have been paying attention know that, this sum is but a pittance of the likely amount of graft that these people have engaged in. There are suggestions that a good part of the $250 million in the original sponsorship fund which dispensed the graft was in fact laundered and directed to liberal coffers. Furthermore, there have been parallel allegations of other moneys coming from other funds from other departments in a related effort to top-up liberal election and spending requirements. If liberals under Darthpaul believe that $750K as a reimbursement is any fraction of potential hundreds of millions of illegally gotten funds that should excite anybody other than an insane person he is the thief that many people believe he is.

My suggestion: that this liberal political party be sued for all funds that it has misappropriated from Canadian taxpayers.


Canadianna said...

Love your first line.
Why don't you start a class-action suit? They've already started suing ad firms and individuals named in Gomery. They felt no need to wait. Why should we?

Walsh Writes said...

Hey I'm willing to contribute some money to the legal fund...

what about it Stephen?