Monday, August 08, 2005

Ramblings for today....

Regarding the bloggingtory story... I did receive annother email from BT and this one was a LOT NICER than the first one. I am not in the mood today to rehash this issue but will try to address it in the next few days. I thank Stephen for responding in a mature matter and you have regained my respect because of it.

Now onto my rant for the day...

Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts expressed great disappointment after learning the NEW YORK TIMES was poking around for details on his adopted children, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

What can I say about this???

First of all, we all know that if the Democrats controlled the House, the White House and the Senate then they would have parachuted their choice in by now and it would be done with. But since the left cannot stand to lose... even the smallest battle anymore.. we are faced with some hypocrite exec., from the NYTimes investigating a Supreme Court Nominee. How low can you go? Furthermore, I'm going to stick my neck out here (not unusual I'd say..), and state that even if their were issues with these adoptions... who is hurt by this? What great crime has occurred other than some supposed infraction that opponents of logical and practical thinking can latch onto to destroy more people for their own advantage? Nuff said about this I think.

Now onto the battle of Creationism vs Evolution in the US...

Meteor strikes may have aided early life-study

My second attempt at this thanks to the wonders of Google's Blogger...

I will attempt to reduce this debate which has gone on for hundreds of years (more probably millenia that is...), to a level that I believe a child can understand. Aided of course by this article and such that indicate that life as me know it in the universe is really quite mobile even without alien intervention.

First of all, it is a disservive to humanity to be intellectually dishonest or to only consider part of an issue or to limit debate on an issue especially for political or selfish reasons.

That is why the debate of whether creationism or intelligent design as it is often alternately called MUST be taught in all schools to all young people as a COMPLIMENTARY theory to explain the origin and adaption of all life as we know it.

To do otherwise would be to limit the capability of our own scientific mind and our ability to reach to the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment. To shut off the debate to a narrow path such that young talented minds are limited in how they think is not only discriminatory but criminal in my opinion as it limits the asperations and inclinations of all humanity.

Now on to the facts... this article referenced indicates that life has for millenia travelled countless distances in our universe to see and share and yes intermix wherever it has ended up. You could consider these travelling bodies computer viruses that infect worlds where the new or adapted life can take hold and influence what currently exists.

Stand aside if you do not believe in intelligent design in this universe and if you prefer a scientific rationale for all animated matter that you experience if in fact it really is real that is... but do not ignore the potential for intelligent lifeforms to go out and seed such travelling bodies in the knowledge that such life will spread, like weeds in the wind. Either way the argument that all life on earth originated here in some puddle struck by lightening and from whence all we know came from seems retarded to me. Also, consider the efforts of humans to reach out and explore in a limited fashion their own celestial backyards and the probable long-term effects of such contaminations in other places.

The time has ended for evolution as a complete stand alone theory to explain what exists... even a child with a smattering of imagination can see what folly this is... so why the hell can't an educated man or woman? Sometimes kids are smarter than we are.