Monday, August 08, 2005

MacLean’s magazine: Liberal propaganda; part II.

Brian Walsh

Continuing from part I, a few days ago coverage of MacLean’s August 1, 2005 issue hi-lights as seen by a real conservative:

Then there is this other Liberal missive on page 40, where many natural health products must now bear health Canada’s stamp of approval. Further it is revealed that Ottawa is facing a huge backlog in its review process whereby Jen Cully an owner of a supplements based company call this fiasco: “It’s another gun registry.”

Later, I see this screaming out at me: “A lot fewer white people.” First I thought that liberals wanted to murder us all but then I see that it is an article about cadet corps at CFB Borden this summer. Still I think the Liberals want to see most white people disappear all the same.

Pages 64 to 67 are an orgy of Liberal photographs by some guy that is a photographer with MacLeans. I don’t see any conservatives in the bunch so I just write this down as more Liberal bias in this obviously Liberal biased magazine.

Debauchery Liberal style starts on page 68 as I see “Rosie’s Love Boat.” I don’t dare read the article because I know it is about that Rosie and about pushing the gay agenda but I do note the subtitle though: “So much for debauchery. O’Donnell’s gay cruise ship champions family values.” I’ll let the reader try and figure that one out.

When I get to page 69 I’m not surprised to see that NYC’s top hooker is a former tap-dancer from Montreal and they show a picture of her gracing NEW YORK magazine even. I’m not sure what the merits of this story are except that Paul Martin and the Liberals are talking about legalizing prostitution I hear. Apparently, this woman scored a record 17 straight 10/10 scores on a popular escort-ranking website. Gee this magazine is starting to remind me of the National Enquirer.

Amazingly a book review on pages 74-76 whereby the author named Clare Asquith, points out that Shakespeare’s plays were in fact topically political in his day and hint at his support of the Catholic church at the hands of protestant reformers in England at that time. I was surprised to see that a hatchet job wasn’t done on this book.

The lowest point in the magazine is on page 77 where a review of some obscure film laden with many talentless comics (such as the Liberal loved Jon Stewart), talks about the filthiest joke ever told called the ‘Aristocrats.’ I won’t even repeat the joke, but what this has to do with a magazine like MacLean’s I have to wonder. More Liberal filth.

The most interesting article of all is on page 88, where Paul Wells complains as to why Canada gives people from certain eastern European countries and the Baltics, trouble in obtaining Visa’s for travel to Canada. I’ve already covered this issue: certain people here do not like the fact that some eastern European countries and the Baltic states had ties to the Nazi’s during WWII and they feel that these countries should still be punished for this. Why doesn’t Wells ask them why there are VISA restrictions??

Stay tuned for future dispatches on Canada’s Weekly LIBERAL MAGAZINE OF NOTE, MacLean’s.